Are you not getting the results you want from your marketing efforts?

Detail your objectives, identify your target market and connect with your customers with a successful marketing plan!

Does promoting your products and services feel like a huge task? Have you given up hopes of reaching your target market? Are your search engine ads costlier than your earnings? Is your bounce rate high and conversion rate low? All is NOT lost yet! There is an easy way of attracting and converting visitors into long-term clients!

Show Up on Search Results by Formulating an Effective Marketing Plan!

Did you know that in 2000, the Internet was used by 360,985,492 people worldwide? Now, the Internet usage is 1.7 billion, which is 25% of the earth’s population, and this number is constantly growing! Google sees 31 billion searches every month! You can show up on these search results very easily if you have a strong marketing plan and an efficient team to execute it! Do you know the many benefits of formulating a comprehensive marketing plan?

  • Get to know your target market, focus on specific geographic zones that has your potential customers and count your profits from the very first day

  • Find new leads and create new networking prospects for yourself and your business

  • Identify your precise client needs, design your products accordingly and see the demand graph surge

  • Outline different measures for generating money for your daily operations, repay old debts and double your profits

  • Identify your competitors, analyze your competitive advantage and get ahead in the race

  • Find out the potential areas of growth, evaluate the market demand for new products and services and launch them successfully

  • Conduct market experiments to check whether your strategies are yielding the desired results

  • Interpret information correctly, make realistic financial projections and gear your business in the direction of growth

  • Identify the strengths and weaknesses in your business skills; capitalize on your strong points, get rid of your flaws and grow your business smartly and quickly

  • Impress your investors and fill them with confidence in you with the fact that you know your target market thoroughly and will achieve your objectives

  • See your website featuring in different search results and enjoy brand exposure like never before

A Marketing Plan is the Best Investment you can make in your business!

Use How to Create a Successful Marketing Plan to Become an Online Sensation in No Time

Did someone tell you that social media optimization will give your website the necessary leverage? It is true that there are over 50 million Facebook users. It is also a fact that Twitter users send out over 1,000,000,000 tweets per weeks. However, promoting on social networking sites are just ONE way of branding. There are many other ways in which you can get more and more people to recognize your business…and this is possible only by developing a systematic marketing plan.

  • Learn internal linking to reach out to your potential customers, easily and quickly.

  • Formulate a winning link strategy and insure a high page rank on Google.

  • Add appropriate keywords, optimize your website’s content and show up on the first search engine results page!

  • Give a boost to your Alexa ranking and see a marked increase in the inflow of targeted traffic.

  • Strategize your ad placements, appear for every relevant search query and let people wonder why your business seems to show up everywhere in the online world!

  • Learn the tricks of getting high turnovers on very low investments.

  • Become an undisputed leader in your field within a matter of weeks.

  • Sit back, relax, see your business take wings and all your dreams come true!

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Chapters included:

Comparative Studies, Research Methods, Check Your Product and the Market, Consumer Trends, Distribution, Marketing and Pricing, Know Your Competition, Defining Your Market, Positioning Your Product, Marketing Strategy, The Importance of Naming and Packaging, Putting the Plan into Action and more!


17 Chapters

Create your online marketing plan

This book will be the mantra to your online success!

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